Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Selfmade popcorn

1. Legen sie den Beutel auseinander-gefaltet in die Mitte der Mikrowelle Hinweis "DIESE SEITE NACH OBEN" beachten. (ach ne? xDD)

2. Stellen sie das Gerät auf die höchste Leistungsstufe. Popzeit variiert je nach Mikrowellentyp und muss durch ausprobieren ermittelt werden. Beobachten sie den Popvorgang. Achten sie während der Zubereitung sorgsam auf die Popgeräusche. Schalten sie das Gerät ab, wenn das poppen nur noch vereinzelt erfolgt.

oh man.. der Rest war langweilig den zitier ich ma nicht mehr :D

Montag, 14. Juni 2010

look what she made for me

thank you ♥
(her shirt is sooo cute!!)

Samstag, 12. Juni 2010


That's why you should always wear a pant :D

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Freitag, 11. Juni 2010

Because life is so hard to explain
I've got chemicals swirls
In my brain

Dienstag, 8. Juni 2010

Coffee Break

I didn't want to make all of you angry/disappointed
I just needed a little time 'cause I've overcomitted myself

peut-être on a compris...

Dienstag, 1. Juni 2010


shortly said: WHAT A DAY!!

i've met so many amazing people there (BLUMIO AS WELL :D) and the firework at the end of the day was pretty much amazing tho' it did rain like HELL..!
Furthermore our way home was a disaster:
first of all we ran around the city searching for tama's car for hours 'cause we totally forgot in which basement garage we did park it and after not finding it we found out that we had choosen the only garage that closed at night... TADAM!
Therefore we needed to call an emergency number. The unfriendly woman on the other end said it would cost us around 40€ to get back the car this night. But everything was better than staying the night soppy in front of a basement garage.
At 2 a.m. we were finally on the way home and to crown it all a-chan got flashed xD

The sentence we said the most this night was: "THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS!"